Warm weather is already here. It will only get warmer and warmer as time passes by. Because of this, more and more people will spend more time outside. However, before you plan any activities outside, you have to check your trees. This will help you ensure they’re all safe and healthy.

Dead trees can lead to issues for homeowners. Routine inspections can help avoid fallen branches and trees causing damage to property or injury to people. If you’ve got a dying or dead tree on your property, make sure you hire a tree removal Berkeley CA company
Possible Damage
A fallen or dead tree can cause a lot of issues for homeowners. Tree issues can spread throughout the tree and other plants. You can save the rest of your plants on your property if you find a tree that has problems.
A fallen branch can land on your home and cause major damages. Also, a falling tree is scary for homeowners who are at home at the time. With routine tree inspections, you can keep your family and property safe.
A dying tree is more likely to fall during a snowstorm or strong wind. It’s crucial to hire a professional tree care company to inspect your trees, especially if it is diseased.
Tree Issues
Trees can have a couple of issues that you can discover on your own. A lot of tree issues are noticeable. Even if you aren’t familiar with trees, you can still see these problems.
Moss and fungus can show issues with trees. If you notice these things, you should be careful since the tree’s structure is already compromised. It can fall anytime soon. Fungus and moss on branches can also mean that the tree’s structure is slowly decaying.
A dead tree might not appear like a major problem. However, the longer a tree stays dead the more chances it will fall. It’s crucial to hire a professional tree care company to remove the tree right away if you have a dead one on your lawn.
How to Inspect Your Trees?
You need to inspect your trees at least once every 3 months. You can just walk around the tree and look at it from bottom to top. You don’t have to do complicated things when you want to inspect your trees. This is particularly true if you know what you’re searching for.
The branches are one of the most crucial things to inspect. Hanging or dead branches on a tree can lead to issues in the future.
Another crucial aspect to inspect is tree spacing. If you’ve got multiple trees on your lawn, you have to ensure they’ve got enough space to grow. Trees that are too close to each other can affect the growth of their canopy.
You should also check the areas close to trees. For instance, trees are known to cause issues to the foundation of the house or sidewalks. As much as possible, you have to prevent these problems from happening since they’re extremely costly to fix.
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